fredag den 31. oktober 2008

Workshop d. 6. oktober

Sara, Jannie og jeg havde allieret os med Peter og holdt vores første workshop søndag d. 6. oktober.

Jeg var lidt nervøs, da vi skulle stå foran 20-30 personer og holde foredrag, og så på engelsk... Og så hjalp det ikke, at vi 30min før start fandt ud af, at de videoer som vi skulle vise ikke virkede... Og efter at have forsøgt 1000 forskellige måder, at få det til at virke på, måtte vi opgive og i stedet lave et lille skuespil af hvad der skete på videoerne- hvilket faktisk virkede ret godt. lærerinderne var meget engageret og stille mange og gode spørgsmål og Dr. Lan var der også (kom godt nok først halvt inde i foredraget...), men alt i alt en vellykket workshop.

Dr. Lan kommenterede ikke vores workshop- hvilket vist nok er et tegn på at det var godt, men Peter derimod roste os og synes vi havde taget et godt emne op- rart med lidt ros(-:

Worshoppen på engelsk:
We are the three Danish students Louise, Sara and Jannie.

Today we would like to talk about how children interact with others and how important that skill is in matter to be a part of the society.

This presentation is a suggestion to all of you teachers how you might can develop the teaching of the children. We are aware that it can be difficult to change the teaching and therefore this can be an inspiration to you.

The three zones of learning

The first zone of learning:
The teacher shows the child what to do. Now we would like to show a videoclip with an example of this. (Video hoppesituation motorik). In this example we just showed the teacher is showing the child how to jump and the child does the same as her afterwards. The teacher is setting the example and the child needs an adult to guide him or her when he or she is learning new skills. For example to show the child how to eat with a spoon when they have never tried it before.

The second zone of learning:
The teacher is beside the child meaning that the child and teacher are sharing and learning from each other and they both contributes to the interaction. Through this zone the child is learning personal skills which have an impact on the childs further development and interaction with others. For example a child picks up two bricks and put them together pretending it’s a pistol. He aims at the teacher and says “bang bang” and the teacher pretends to get hurt. Then the teacher does the same and an important interaction has begun.

The third zone of learning:
The teacher is grabbing the childs initiatives and the child is in control of the interaction and the interaction is entirely based on the childs initiatives. Now we will show a videoclip with an example. (Hoppe hvor hun løber med).The teacher is showing the child how to jump which is the first zone of learning and then the child takes an initiative to run also and she grabs his initiative and runs after him and therefore the interaction is developing into the third zone of learning.This zone is important because it increases the childs self esteem and the trust within itself which is important for the childs further personal development as well as the social skills.

How to use the three zones of learning in the daily work with the children at Sao MaiThe first zone of learning is daily used at Sao Mai during the lessons.
The other two zones can be used whenever there is sparetime. For instance the last 45 minutes before the children are going home.

Now we will show another example of the zones.In this example the children reflects themselves in Louise and starts on their own initiative to interact with each other. One of the boys is developing the game even further by picking up the ball and returning it to the two boys playing with it.This is an example of how all three zones of learning can be combined in one simple game and this can be an example of how to develop the childrens interactions with others.

Selvom lærerinerne var meget engageret og meget spørende ift. emnet på workshoppen, så blev jeg alligevelle meget glædeligt overrasket, da jeg så at lærerinderne i min klasse rent faktisk har ændret den lektion som de kalder "Social skills". Normalt skal børnene i denne lektion stable stole, lærer at folde en karklud osv. meeen denne dag sad børnene i en rundkreds og et barn kom ind i midten og han/hun skulle så kaste en bold til en af de andre børn og denne skulle så kaste bolden tilbage og barnet i midten kastede så bolden til et nyt barn osv... Ved godt, at det er små skridt, men det var VIRKELIG dejligt at se, da børnene faktisk skulle arbejde sammen for at lektionen "lykkedes".. JUHUUUU glæde og stor anerkendelse til lærerinderne for at have hørt hvad vi havde sagt og derefter tilpasset det, så det passede ind i deres hverdag...!

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